Steel Bridges & Their Impact on the Environment
The United States has been relying on steel for generations, and with good reason. Lighter in weight than many building materials, steel is affordable and durable, making it a great option for constructing everything from buildings to bridges. However, at U.S. Bridge, we especially appreciate the environmental benefits of steel. Read on to learn about the big benefits associated with building bridges from steel.
Steel Is Recyclable
The environmental benefits of steel include the fact that the material can be recycled with ease. Because of steel’s unique metallurgic properties, it doesn’t degrade over time like other materials. So, the product can be melted down and recycled for other purposes, while adding less waste. In fact, steel is currently the most recycled material on Earth.
Steel Has Economic Benefits
Another reason that steel is a great building material — and an environmentally friendly one — is that it has economic benefits. Builders can put steel constructions and bridges together quickly and affordably because steel weighs less than other materials. The ability to use less expensive equipment and lifts means money is saved in the long run. Municipal governments and communities can then use these funds for other purposes, like environmental conservation.
Steel Is Durable
It’s hard to save money when you’re constantly having to repair the same buildings or bridges. One of the best reasons to use steel for these projects is that it lasts for decades. This means you won’t have to spend valuable taxpayer dollars replacing the same structures again and again. Additionally, steel is a strong material that’s unlikely to be damaged by inclement weather conditions like storms and hurricanes. Steel even holds up well in the event of an earthquake. Because steel components require less maintenance, you can save money on both supplies and labor. The fewer resources needed to maintain steel, the fewer resources required from the environment.
Learn More About Steel Environmental Benefits
At U.S. Bridge, we create a wide array of bridges for communities throughout the nation. Relying on over 80 years of experience in engineering and manufacturing bridges, we take care to ensure our products stand the test of time. To learn more about the environmental benefits of steel, or what we can do for you, call today or contact us online.