Steel, Our Most Sustainable Material
SteelSteel is one of the most widely utilized building materials for a variety of purposes, including:
Commercial and residential building projects
Bridges and highway construction
Vehicles and household appliances
Fortunately, through…
The Mechanical Properties Of Steel Bridges
SteelA significant aspect of steel bridges is their durability. Touted for its strength, steel is one of the most enduring materials for a variety of purposes. However, with the amount of traffic and strain that bridges endure, it is crucial that…
Galvanized Steel For Bridges
SteelBridges are a key element of U.S. infrastructure. They literally keep America moving, ensuring that cross-country trade and interstate travel are easy for everyone. Galvanized steel is one of the most stable and sturdy of all bridge materials,…
What Is Accelerated Bridge Construction?
SteelBridges have become the key focus of U.S. infrastructure improvement. This work requires innovative building techniques and advancements in technology to ensure cost effective and efficient updates. Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) is one…
Steel Bridge Myths: Concrete Bridges Outlast Steel Bridges
SteelIn the contest for most durable bridge-building material, it seems the final two contenders are always steel and concrete. It's not surprising. Both are ubiquitous in U.S. infrastructure design, and both are known for their durability. However,…
Best Material for Bridges: Steel
SteelSteel is a versatile building material, used for centuries in various capacities. Its strength and permanence are ideal for long-lasting structures, like bridges. The use of steel for bridges replaced earlier materials such as wood, concrete…
Bridge Building: Advantages of Steel
SteelSteel has been a versatile building material in the United States for decades. Its lighter weight, high durability and low cost make it an easy choice for large and small construction crews and projects. At U.S. Bridge, we use steel as our primary…
U.S. Bridge is Proud to Celebrate SteelDay 2016
SteelToday is officially SteelDay! Many would not think of dedicating a day to steel, but its importance on our society is greatly overlooked. U.S. Bridge is excited to be a part of this industry and happy to join other companies in celebrating SteelDay.