What is Modular Construction for Bridges
Construction, Bridge Design, SteelAt the start of any construction project, you have to ask what materials and method would best accomplish your goal. You've probably come across modular bridge construction and you've wondered what is it and should you consider it.

Bridge Construction Games
Bridge DesignBridge construction games are a great way for individuals to practice engineering skills and also encourage children to critically think. Right now there are many construction games from designing a bridge to destroying a town, it can be easy…

Earth Day: Reducing Environmental Impact of Construction
Construction, Bridge Design, SteelIt's no surprise that construction has a huge impact on the environment. Although many structures can not be built sustainably today, we should still try to reduce our environmental footprint for tomorrow. However, you may be surprised to find…

Permanent vs Temporary Bridge Construction: A Guide
Bridge Design, ConstructionIf you're attempting to restore an existing bridge or trying to replace a destroyed bridge, you may be wondering if you should erect a permanent bridge or a temporary one. Most likely, you're thinking of building a temporary bridge construction…

A History of Truss Bridge Designs
Bridge DesignPerhaps one of the most impactful bridge designs in use in America are truss bridge designs. With their high weight capacity and various spans, it's obvious why truss bridge designs are used for important projects such as the famous Golden Gate…

Accelerated Bridge Construction Myths
Bridge DesignAccelerated bridge construction is growing, but there are still many misconceptions surrounding this construction process. Often these ideas stem out of traditional approaches to bridge construction and don’t take into account changes in technology…

Bridge Engineering that Makes Bridge Construction Effortless
Bridge DesignNo one wants to make something twice. That's why it's so important to build it to perfection the first time, especially if it's something time-consuming and expensive such as a bridge. With extensive experience in bridge engineering, bridge…

How to Design a Bridge Without Experience: Bridge Scope
Bridge DesignDesigning a bridge takes great engineering skills and attention to detail. Every component of the bridge design process is significant and greatly affects the rest of the project. Clearly, learning how to design a bridge can seem like an overwhelming…

Types of Bridge Railing
Bridge DesignWith so much going into a project, bridge railing may appear to be an afterthought for bridge construction. But like choosing the right deck material, bridge railing proves to be vital for every bridge design.
At U.S. Bridge, we have several…

Prefabricated Bridges: When and Why to Use Them
Construction, Bridge DesignMany decisions are made when it comes to new bridge construction, one of those is the choice of a prefabricated bridge or built on-site construction. How do you know which one works best for your project? Here's a guide to help you understand…

Advantages of Steel Truss Bridge Construction
Bridge DesignThere are several timeless designs that have been used in bridge building for decades. However, there are few more iconic than the truss bridge. In the 1800s, America was the leader in truss bridge design, though older constructions used wood.…

Choosing the Right Bridge Decking System
Bridge DesignThe choice of bridge decking and flooring for your bridge is important to the aesthetics and functionality of the construction.

Pedestrian Bridge Design: Why it Matters
Bridge DesignYou may not realize it, but pedestrian bridges are everywhere. Although we take them for granted, eye-catching pedestrian bridge design is vital.

Rural Roads and Bridges: Why They’re Important
Bridge DesignRural roads and bridges are an essential component of the U.S. economy. Increased government investment could benefit the economy and rural road safety.

Bridge Kits: A Solution for Accelerated Bridge Construction
Bridge Design
Accelerated bridge construction (ABC) is an evolution in project planning for bridge construction. Often, bridges need to be constructed quickly and under a tight budget. Meanwhile, they need to maintain safety, quality, durability, and costs.…

Bridge Deck Designs: The Benefits of Steel
Bridge Design, Steel
The choice of material for your bridge deck construction is critical for the lifespan of the bridge. There are several reasons why steel may be the right choice for your bridge deck. At U.S. Bridge, we have various custom options for the floor…

Types of Bridges U.S. Bridge Offers
Bridge DesignBridges are engineering marvels. Whether spanning great or small distances, steel bridges come in many different shapes, sizes and aesthetics. At U.S. Bridge, we have decades of bridge building experience and several types of bridges to choose…

The Future of 3D Printed Bridges and Construction
Bridge Design
In a decade, 3D printing has already innovated several industries, from medical implants to engineering, to aviation. The technology is achieving the unthinkable in construction, from 3D printing a house in under 24 hours to creating a prosthetic…

Building Design to Withstand Extreme Weather Conditions
Bridge Design
Stocking up on food supplies, buying generators, and keeping boxes full of batteries are all good measurements to prepare for extreme weather. This is especially relevant for the East Coast and the Caribbean, as we still have a few more weeks…

Steel Bridge Constructibility
Bridge Design
Steel bridge construction has evolved through the years. As technology improvements are more frequent, steel bridge design also changes. Some of these advances have to do with the materials, fabrication, and erection of the bridge. However,…